Transcriptul VIVA TVR


Postez aici transcriptul complet, in engleza, al montajului foarte sugestiv, VIVA TVR, aflat in fisierul atasat mai sus. In pofida lungimii acestuia, importanta acestuia este extrem de mare. Multumesc celui care a facut aceasta traducere excelenta

Draft translation of most the material in the video VIVA TVR

PART ONE: Discussion during the TV show „Ne Vedem la TVR”, Romania Television, Channel 1, of Monday, February 25, 15:40 GMT

NB: TVR – Televiziunea Romana – is the national broadcaster of Eurovision, as well as organizer of the Romanian performance etc.

1.1. Mr. Titus Andrei. Musician, works for the national radio, was a member of the jury:

„Though the Swedes had a very good song [and] very good voices, we have to represent our country through ourselves.”

1.2. Mrs. Marina Almasan, moderator, wife of member of the jury Victor Socaciu:

„Have you offered the maximum points allowed to the Romanian song?”

1.3. Romanian female journalist, Tatiana Solomon from newspaper Libertatea, that eventually offered the winning points to Nico and Vlad and led to this big score controversy:

„Yes I have, I put my bet on it […] this is my opinion and I assume my opinion [that they deserved those points].”

PART TWO: Now we can see different webpages that have posted materials about the contest. The first deals with the controversy of the Eurovision show, mainly the hypocritical attitude of the national broadcaster TVR (in Romanian). The next 2 pages show messages of support for Biondo (in English).

PART THREE: The discussion in the TVR studio continues with the aforementioned journalist making comments about the accusations launched against her (the points given by her allowed Nico and Vlad to win). She said, these statements [that have appeared in the media] cannot blame anyone.

PART FOUR: A webpage saying: „TVR wants us blind, mute and deaf.”

PART FIVE: Back in the TVR studio.

5.1. Mrs. Marina Almasan:

„I quote; I quote; I am not allowed to have an opinion today.”

A man’s voice in the background for about 1 second.

5.2. Mrs. Marina Almasan:

„I don’t know – we, the Romanians, have the skill of not supporting each other.”

NB: In spite of the fact that she had mentioned she could not judge herself the situation, her body language, including the smile and other face expressions, and the tone of the voice show the contrary. This can be noticed throughout the remaining interventions during the show.

5.3. Now we can see the barometer indicating the number of signatures for the petition on the topic of plagiarism. From 7,000 to 8,027 to 8,300.

PART SIX: TVR1 shows a SMS in which someone scolds Mrs. Iuliana Marciuc, TVR moderator in the green room, saying that she should be ashamed to appear on screen in the future.

NB. During the intro she made in the final, Mrs. Marciuc introduced Biondo being „the guys from Shine” (she meant, they are the members of the Biondo group); however, someone from the green room corrected her and she, with a big smile, said the right thing. Mrs. Marciuc has been working in television for more than 15 years.

PART SEVEN: A gentleman viewer’s call:

7.1. Viewer: (his name is not mentioned in this short clip): „[…] it would have been better if we „had imported” …(read: have a foreign performance)”.

7.2. Mrs. Marina Almasan (very ironic – note the smile, the grimaces she makes and the tone of her voice):

„Esteemed mister trainee lawyer of the defense, if you allow me, the moment when, let’s say, Biondo had won the selection, no, excuse me, the final contest Eurovision Belgrade 2008, what would you have felt like, deep in your heart, would you have felt that Romania had won?”

7.3. Viewer: „Yes, correct.”

7.4. Mrs. Marina Almasan: „Yes?”

7.5. Viewer: „[…] yes,, because we have not managed to send no one …”

7.6. Mrs. Marina Almasan cuts him off; while he is still speaking she thanks him and says:

„Let’s continue the discussion …” (see point 9)

NB: Mrs. Almasan uses ‘If clauses type III’. When used, it shows that it is impossible to fulfill a condition which is given in the if-clause. In other words:

In Romanian: „daca Biondo ar fi castigat (if Biondo had won) … dumneavoastra ati fi simtit (you would have felt).

Actually, when used if clauses type 2 – it is theoretically possible to fulfill a condition which is given in the if-clause. In other words: if Biondo still had a chance in this contest, she should/would have said:

In Romanian „daca Biondo castiga/va castiga/ar castiga (if Biondo win) … dumneavoastra va veti simti/v-ati simti (you will feel).

Therefore: Mrs. Almasan does not even consider the possibility that Biondo could represent Romania at the final contest.

PART EIGHT: in the studio the debate continues:

8.1. Mrs. Marina Almasan: „The second item [point of view] …”

8.2. She is interrupted by Mr. Horia Moculescu, composer for maybe more than 30 years, self-declared family friend of Mr. Andrei Tudor’s family and very good friend of his father, Mr. Ionel Tudor:

8.3. Mr. Horia Moculescu (determined and straight-forward):

„This second point of view is not convenient/reasonable point of view to neither the organizers, nor the contest itself, or to the music in general.”

NB: Mr. Moculescu was a member of the commission that studied the case and ruled that the case was not plagiarism. This is illegal since he had already expressed his point of view in this TV show. The commission gathered after this debate took place.

8.4. Mr. Mihai Pocorschi, musician, composer with about 20 years experience:

„Let’s talk about the quality of the song [Shine], which I appreciate, and I think that my colleagues will agree, I reckon we all think it is an extraordinary song. But this is not the point; the point is that we don’t live in the time of the Phanariotes in order to hire other soldiers to fight our wars.

NB: The Phanariotes were Greeks from Fener, Constantinopoles (nowadays Istanbul); some were appointed to lead Romanian provinces including Wallachia, instead of local leaders.

PART NINE: Still in the studio:

9.1. Mr. Octavian Ursulescu, TV personality, presenter of music festivals:

„We’re talking about Romania. When I say Romania, I say, music specificity

, tradition

, and the personality of the respective country [Romania].”

9.2. We see a message posted online with the comment that persons that are close to the family of the composer, Mr. Andrei Tudor, should not be part of the jury asked to rule whether plagiarism or not.

9.3. Mrs. Almasan gives the floor to Mr. Catalin Dancu, lawyer:

9.4. Mr. Catalin Dancu: „Regrettably, I am exactly one of those that don’t know music. I had the joy to be the student of Ms. Mihaela Runceanu [late Mihaela Runceanu, a very talented artist and musical coach]. I studied canto for 3 years […] when accusing someone of plagiarism one has to prove it.

9.5. The video director makes a presentation of the ‘Pe O Margine de Lume” and „La Magia del Corazon” in an overlapped form. The resemblance between Vlad’s intro part and David’s part, and the chorus parts of both songs is major. The director remarks that Nico’s part is not copied.

PART TEN: Mr. Ursulescu continues:

10. Mr. Ursulescu: „I say it again, I think it is normal to be represented [by Romanian artists] in a competition where there appears the name of the country. Again, it is not a song contest, it is a countries’ contest.”

N.B. The competition is called ‘Eurovision Song Contest’. Mr. Ursulescu insisted on the national element and did not know, or ignored, the fact that Eurovision is a song contest, not country contest!

PART ELEVEN: Still in the studio’ we don’t know how many minutes passed and what happened since the previous topic (10) and this one:

11.1. Mrs. Marina Almasan: „I don’t know if there are any comments from the audience on this topic; speak out [if so], please.”

NB: I remember there was a journalist from a radio channel, Radio 21, named Rasvan Popescu, trying to make a point about the legitimacy of the public when choosing ‘Shine’; this gentleman was not allowed to speak by Mr. Moculescu who intervened forcibly (you can see that in the video):

11.2. Mr. Moculescu: „No, no, you do not have the legitimacy to speak […] out, out, something else now.’


n.n.: Pentru ca vad ca este un soi de rumoare in legatura cu soarta petitiei – in aceste momente, exista niste oameni care alcatuiesc un text explicativ aditional, care sa-i familiarizeze pe cei de la EBU cu cele intamplate in tarisoara noastra. El va fi tradus in engleza, apoi va fi trimis celor de la EBU. Initiatorii petitiei multumesc celor care au ajutat la acest demers.
